Update agent
Vida API Token
Type for this agent
Title for Agent
Some description
Message users see when initially visiting a agent
Array of any http links to reference for external knowledge for your agent
Actions that your agent can take including instructions and settings
The IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) formatted timezone your AI agent operates in.
Agent voice model to use
Agent language to be used for voice and transcriptions
, es-MX
, es-ES
, es-US
Agent instructions for user interaction. This is for chatAgents only
Agent LLM model to use for its intelligence
(Requires Specific Paid Plan) The Speech-to-Speech Voice engine to use for voice, AI, and transcriptions
, deepgram
Speech to text engine for this agent
, deepgram
DTMF your agent will send upon answering a call. Useful if you are forwarding calls to your agent from a platform that requires a DTMF verification before the call is connected.
The amount of time in milliseconds your Agent will wait before speaking the greeting (welcomeMessage).
how many words a caller needs to speak before it is treated as an interruption
(in seconds) How long the agent needs to be speaking before it can be interrupted
(in milliseconds) the default amount of time between words before we consider caller speaking to be finished. Increasing this can help prevent unintentional interruptions for slow talkers.
(in milliseconds) the default amount of delay before processed speech is sent to the LLM for a response. Increasing this can help prevent unintentional interruptions for slow talkers. Note that this delay automatically increases and decreases depending on the number of interruptions over a period of time.
(in milliseconds) how much speech processing delay is added per interruption.
the maximum number of interruptions that will influence the speech processing delay.
(in seconds) how much silence (nothing said by the caller) before the agent asks are you still there?.
the maximum number of times your agent can ask are you there (callerResponseTimeout) before hanging up the call.
Whether the contact card for the caller should be injected into the agent context
Whether the call summary history for the caller should be injected into the agent context